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Staying Fit for Fall

Happy October!! I’m so glad we have finally entered the season of Pumpkin Spice lattes, dark nail polishes and berry lipsticks! There is so much to look forward to with fall. And although it feels like the fall weather has finally come (in Vancouver at least ;) Costco already had their Christmas decorations up!?

I have defiantly had my fall baking on this week, and I am obsessed with pumpkin scones! Fall is all about getting as cozy as possible and including pumpkin and caramel in all of your recipes. And while it isn’t summer anymore, it can be easy to dich the healthy habits, and burry yourself in giant sweaters all day. But is equally important to stay healthy during the cold months, because now is when you can make the most progress. I have been browsing for healthy ways to stay active and eat healthy in the fall, as well as some workouts you can do at home, while it’s pouring and miserable outside!


Rebecca xx

1. At Home workouts In During the summer, to get my daily physical activity all I could strap on some roller blades, or jump in the pool. Since it will be raining from now until April non-stop, I have found other ways to stay active.

Find a workout YouTube channel-

Some of my favorite are and Cassey from Blogilates has HUNDREDS of Pilates workouts that are great for burning fat and toning muscle at the same time. She has also come out with a book called Hot Body Year Round. This book is filled with exercises and meals for every season, based on the produce available.

Karena and Katrina over on Tone it Up have wonderful videos that help with blasting fat, and muscle gain. They have several campaigns going on that raise money for charities, as well as helping you reach your physical goals!

2. Fruit infused water.

I have been a huge fan of fruit infused water for a really long time. It’s very simple to make- all you do is put thin slices of fruit into your water, and let it infuse into your water. Not only does it taste really yummy, it look really pretty too, and water does miracles for your body!

Some popular ingredients for fruit infused water are:

Kiwi, strawberries, cucumber, mint leaves, watermelon, raspberry, blueberry, orange, and lemon.

3. Make the most of those sunny days!

There will be sunny days amongst these grey, dreary days! Take advantage of the fall sunshine and go outside for a walk with your family or dog. Go for a bike ride and listen to the leaves crunch under your wheels. My mom and I get up at 6 am most mornings and go for a brisk 4.5k walk up a nearby hill. I cant tell you enough how much better I feel throughout the day, and how much energy I have!

4. Stay inspired!

Inspiration is very important when staying healthy! Encourage a friend to join you in staying healthy over the cold months. Keep your bathing suits still in sight! They alone are a reminder when you are tempted to skip your workout or have thirds of ice cream.


Instagram and Pinterest: Sincerelybff

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