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4 Travel Hacks Every Girl Must Know

Hello Everyone!

This year, my family and I have planned a few family trips. And I am very lucky to have the opportunity to travel so much, and I have learned a few tips and tricks from being on numerous airplanes.

But, like every traveller, I have a few airplane horror-stories, and to go along with this travel-themed post, I will share my embarrassing airplane story :)


Rebecca xx

I have never been a light packer. In fact, when I went up to the cottage on a local ski hill for new years this year for 5 days, I packed 12 sweaters, 7 pairs of yoga pants, and 3 skirts. I guess I didn't fully think through that there would be 5 meters of snow, and that those skirts would stay folded at the bottom of my suitcase the entire trip.

So, when I went to Mexico with my best friend (without my parents! EEKK!) I brought 14 outfits for 6 days (there were so many what-ifs that ran through my head as I was packing), and endless amounts of makeup... for a missions trip. My little carry-on suitcase was stuffed to the brim, and was bulging at the zippers. And with my suitcase, you could unzip a few zippers on the sides, to make the suitcase expand.

I get to the airport, and all is fine until we board the plane and I have to find a little nook on the overhead compartment for my extremely stuffed little suitcase. I had found a little spot not to far away from where I was sitting, but very soon I realized my suitcase was double the height of the space given to store it. I started freaking out, because now everybody else was already seated, and it was just me and my obese suitcase. I frantically started ripping stuff out, and shoving loose sweaters, makeup bags, and shorts into the compartment. An angry flight attendant lady approached me and was very upset that I was unpacking my suitcase into the compartment. I ended up sitting on a 2 foot pile of clothes and makeup for the 3 hour flight to San Diego. Haha the very last time I will ever pack 'whatever I please' for the airplane ;)

The first tip will not only save you a few dollars every time you go to the airport, but you can also bring a little bit of home with you to where ever you go!

Pack a reusable cup (I like to bring the plastic travel cups from Starbucks) and fill it with a few of your favourite teas, and stick it in your purse or carry on. Then, when you get to the airport, simply find a Starbucks or a coffee shop, and they will fill up your cup for you with hot water, and all you have to do is pop in one of your tea bags.

This next tip is if you enjoy bringing jewellery with you, but hate it when you always have to de-tangle your necklaces and bracelets after every time you travel!

All you simply need to do is find a little medicine container (they usually will sell them at the dollar store for around $1) and you can put each piece of jewellery in its own compartment. This way, nothing will get tangled.

Something that I always forget to bring with me whenever I travel is a laundry bag. You can bring a reusable or plastic bag, and when you don't have any dirty laundry, it is also very convenient to store any shoes in these bags, to prevent any of your other clothes from getting dirty.

My last hack is a beauty tip. If you are anything like me, and always have dry feet and hands after airplanes, when you get to your hotel, lather your feet and hands in some lotion, and slip a pair of gloves and some socks on over top. When you wake up in the morning, you hands and feet will be so soft and nourished!

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